Right now, you may be on short-term disability, still unable to work, and currently wondering how to claim long-term disability.
If you are sick or injured, short-term benefits are only provided up to 6 months. After those 6 months, you and your doctor will have to determine if you are able to return to work or need more time to recover.
Long-term disability insurance benefits generally begin when the short-term benefits end. However, each disability benefits plan is different. Checking with your company’s human resource officer can give you more information on your company’s specific plan.
Once you and your doctor make that determination, there are some easy steps to take you from short-term to long-term disability benefits.
Step 1 – Determining Which Disability Benefits You Qualify For?
Determining which benefits you qualify for will give you a better understand of how you need to proceed. Here is a brief summary of the most important information to help you decide.
• Long-Term Disability Insurance Benefits – If you’re covered by a private health insurance with a disability insurance plan, then your specific policy will dictate the terms of coverage for short and long-term disabilities making you unable to work. Normally benefits cover a disability that has been caused by an accident or illness. A seasoned disability lawyer can help you read through the fine print to determine your specific eligibility for continued disability benefits after a certain amount of time. If you were injured at work, these benefits would overlap worker’s compensation benefits.
• Employer Sick Pay – Offered as a workplace benefit. Each employer has their own requirement to qualify for this benefit. If you have access to this benefit, this is the first benefit you must use to supplement your income.
• Canada Pension Plan Disability – In order to qualify for CPP disability benefits, you must be under 65, unable to work for 4 months before you are eligible to receive benefits after having contributed to CPP.
• Provincial Disability Benefits – Each province in Canada has its own disability income program. Provincial disability support programs are based on both disability and financial criteria. In Ontario, the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) to help with your living expenses as well as other benefits and help.
• Workers Compensation Benefits – And each province has its own workers compensation program. For example, in Ontario this program is called WSIB. You must be working for an employer that is enrolled in a worker’s compensation program and you must suffer a work-related injury to qualify.
• Veterans Affairs Canada Disability Benefits – For veterans to be covered under the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act, you must suffer from a disability from a medical condition or injury that is related to your service in the armed forces.
Step 3 – How to Apply for Long-Term Disability
There are several steps you will need to take in order to successfully prepare your application for Long-Term Disability:
● Make Sure You Have Your Doctor’s Support – Not having your doctor’s help could make it difficult for any disability plans to accept your application.
● Get All the Proper Application Forms – You will get those from your employer if they provide a disability plan, or your insurance broker if you are self-employed.
● Gather the Necessary Documents – Including medical reports, banking information, a list of your doctors, and your demographic information. The more comprehensive your application forms are, the less trouble you will have getting your benefits approved.
● Finally, Submit Your Application and Forms – Submit all pertinent documentation to your disability insurance company, where your application will be reviewed by a claim representative or adjudicator. It may take up to 30 days to receive a denial or approval.
Need Help Filing for Long-Term Disability?
There is no question that it can be challenging to apply for disability. But, finding the right support can give you the confidence you need to help you through this process. Not only are there multiple government and private websites with help centers and information. But you can contact your human resources office and an experienced disability benefits lawyer. A lawyer can help to compile all your proper documents together, prepare a comprehensive and accurate claim, and respond to a denial if necessary.
Do not hesitate to get the help you need so you can maximize your benefits and receive them in a timely manner.