Loss of control (LOC) accidents, where an airplane unexpectedly departs from controlled flight, are among the most common and dangerous types of plane accidents. In fact, one fatal loss of control accident occurs approximately every four days. In response, the Federal Aviation Administration and the airline industry have spearheaded Fly Safe, an initiative to prevent LOC accidents and make flying safer.
Although takeoffs and landings often provoke the most anxiety in passengers, LOC accidents can happen at any point in a flight. They can be caused by a wide range of factors including a pilot’s poor judgment, an inability to identify and correct a stalled engine or spin, or a failure to adhere to regulations. New pilots, who are unfamiliar with a particular make of aircraft, or those using performance-impairing, over-the-counter drugs are also commonly involved in LOC accidents.
Despite the prevalence of these types of accidents, many could be prevented if pilots were properly trained and provided with the information they need to fly more safely and better respond to emergencies. One major issue that is tricky for pilots is glide speed. To proceed safely in an emergency situation such as a forced landing, a pilot needs to know how to let their aircraft glide the proper distance while losing the least altitude. This information is provided by airline manufacturers but can differ depending on the weight of the plane, which means that pilots flying a new aircraft should practice landing prior to flying with passengers. In addition, some information such as how to achieve a proper “sink speed” to stay in the air for as long as possible during a forced landing, is not typically found in pilots’ handbooks and can only be learned through practice.
The best way to learn the right sink speed for a particular aircraft is by working with a Certified Flight Instructor. By working with their instructor, pilots can learn how to properly adjust their aircraft to find the correct sink speeds for their planes and commit these numbers to memory so they can rely on them in LOC situations.
By practicing maneuvers and landings while using flaps and learning to accurately land in a variety of spots on the runway, pilots can learn the best glide speeds for forced landings and be more prepared to respond in emergency situations.
Under the Fly Safe initiative, the FAA is taking the lead to create LOC solutions that work. They have employed expert teams of pilots to create risk reduction strategies. This information is then delivered to pilots so they can land more safely. You can learn more about the specifics of this initiative by clicking here.
Finally, it’s important to remember that even the best accident reduction initiatives aren’t foolproof. There is always a chance of being in an accident during a flight. If you have been injured in such an accident, it is important to know your rights and speak to a personal injury lawyer.