What Time Limits are Applicable to Motor Vehicle Accidents?

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      Motor Vehicle Accidents

      What Time Limits are Applicable to Motor Vehicle Accidents?

      What Time Limits are Applicable to Motor Vehicle Accidents?

      If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, you must complete the following steps within the following time frames:

      1. Notify your accident benefits insurer within 7 days of the accident.
      2. Submit your application for accident benefits (the Form is referred to as the OCF-1) within 30 days of the accident.
      3. Notify the other party/parties who may be at fault for the accident of your intention to commence a tort claim or lawsuit against them within 120 days of the accident.
      4. In most cases you have 2 years from the date of the motor vehicle accident to commence a court action (or lawsuit) against the at-fault party or parties. Failure to sue the other parties within these timelines could be a bar to your right to pursue these claims.

      The above-noted list of timelines is not exhaustive. Please consult with an accident lawyer as soon as possible following your motor vehicle accident. We can assist you in determining the time limits applicable in your particular case and to ensure these time limits are met.

      Failure to meet of any these deadlines could prejudice your case and delay you receiving accident benefits. If you are not working as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident, you will likely be under a lot of financial strain. Often times you are relying on the income replacement benefits you are receiving from your accident benefits insurer as your only source of income. Failure to submit the necessary documentation to your accident benefits insurer can result in considerable delays in you receiving those income benefits.

      In addition, if you are injured, it is crucial that you receive the medical attention you need so that you can recover as quickly as possible and resume working as well as your other activities of daily living. This can include prescription medications, assistive devices, physiotherapy, counselling or other forms of rehabilitation. At Himelfarb Proszanski we work diligently on your behalf to ensure that all the necessary paperwork is completed promptly to ensure you receive all the benefits which you are entitled to in a timely fashion.

      Disclaimer: The content of this article is a general guideline made available for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used as legal advice for the reader's specific situation nor in general. By reading our blog and website content, the reader acknowledges the above and understands there is no lawyer-client relationship created between you and Himelfarb Proszanski through this content. To get specific legal advice, we encourage you to book a free consultation with one of our lawyers to clarify the legal aspects of your situation.