What Fibromyalgia Disability Benefits Are Available in Canada?
About three percent of all Canadians suffer from Fibromyalgia in varying levels of severity. Compared to many other diseases, this is a high number and means that nearly one-million Canadian citizens suffer from the disorder, which can sometimes reach debilitating levels of pain. One thing we are often asked is, is there a fibromyalgia disability living allowance in Canada? It is possible to receive benefits for Fibromyalgia disability in Canada under specific conditions. Fibromyalgia does qualify for a disability tax credit and other benefits that can provide financial support ranging from $1,600 to $50,000. But what exactly is the condition and how does it appear in sufferers?
What Is Fibromyalgia?
One of the medically baffling aspects of Fibromyalgia is that it typically appears as a group of unrelated symptoms and is often misdiagnosed. In general, sufferers experience mood changes, memory difficulty, chronic pain and fatigue. The only upside is that the malady does not cause permanent joint disability, nor does it cause death. That’s small comfort, however, for anyone who is unfortunate enough to face the disease.
In its most common form, Fibromyalgia means chronic pain in muscles and bones, physical exhaustion and generalized fatigue. Organs anywhere in the body can become targets, with tissues and muscles near joints being the most common locations for the worst pain. And while almost any sector of the body can experience symptoms, common locations include the legs, neck, arms, back, and shoulders.
How To Apply For Fibromyalgia Disability Benefits In Ontario
If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, you face a few unique hurdles pertaining to benefits, both in the application process and afterward. Here are the primary facts you need to keep in mind if you are a Fibromyalgia sufferer, a resident of Ontario, and seek to obtain Fibromyalgia disability benefits:
Document Everything
You’ll need documentation of four distinct facts: that you suffer from Fibromyalgia, that the disease prevents you from working, that you are getting treatment for the condition, and that you have tried your best to keep working even after the diagnosis. That’s a lot and is just one of the reasons people usually hire competent lawyers to help with claims.
Know the Status of Fibromyalgia Disability in Canada
The first question, “Is Fibromyalgia considered a disability in Ontario,” is an easy one. Fibromyalgia is listed as a disorder that qualifies for disability benefits in Ontario and throughout Canada. To be successful with a fibromyalgia disability claim, however, it’s wise to hire a lawyer and assemble all the documentation noted above. Next, it’s important to understand that getting CPP (Canada Pension Plan) disability benefits represent one of eight types of payments you can get if you can show that Fibromyalgia keeps you from working and are hoping to collect a fibromyalgia disability living allowance. Other categories of benefits you might be able to get include employment insurance, short-term disability, a tax credit, provincial benefits, workers comp, veterans affairs benefits, and long-term disability insurance.
Qualifying for Fibromyalgia Disability In Canada
Fibromyalgia and disability qualifications are complex. The basic rule for CPP benefits is that sufferers must prove a “prolonged and severe” condition. These two words have precise legal definitions that are sometimes at odds with the way they’re used in everyday speech. Taken together, they refer to a condition that is long-term and of indefinite duration that keeps a person from doing financially gainful work.
A Case-By-Case Review Process
It is essential for applicants to use expert legal help because the misfiling of a single document or a routine clerical typographical error can result in a rejected application. Getting it right the first time is of paramount importance and speed up the receipt of benefits substantially.
Keep in mind that even though fibromyalgia is often called an invisible disease, the symptoms can be quite severe, and disability claims for fibromyalgia will be approved when all the necessary paperwork is in order. It’s also common for claimants who have been denied to reapply with the assistance of a lawyer and get a successful result on a second attempt.