Imagine being involved in an accident, showing no physical signs of injury but finding yourself suffering from other symptoms instead? Consider what it would be like waking up in the morning and having the light give you an instant headache or being so nauseous when you stand up that you have to lay back down. Think about the frustration of having your body not respond to what you want it to do. Or worse yet, not being able to remember how to do something that you do every day?
These are all signs of a concussion. You may not show an external physical sign of an injury, but your brain has indeed been injured. A blow to the head during the impact of the accident, or even a jolt to the neck that shakes the brain, can lead to a concussion. And sadly, a concussion can also lead to long-term side effects. But, what can you do? What are your options? Can you get any kind of compensation can you receive for your injuries?
Can You Sue For A Concussion in Ontario?
One of the first things that a person asks their lawyer when they are diagnosed with this injury is can you sue for a concussion in Ontario. And the answer is yes. However, these cases can be a more difficult than others to pursue because the medical community is only now discovering the long-term effects that concussions can have on an individual.
Can you sue for a concussion without any other injuries? Yes. You can sue for a concussion even if you have no other physical injuries from your accident. It is understood that a concussion is a form of brain injury, and depending on severity, may even be considered a traumatic brain injury even though, just as with internal bleeding there may be no external signs.
Can you sue for a concussion in addition to any other injuries that you may have? Yes. If a concussion is one of the injuries that you received in an accident, your lawyer will include this as part of your compensation package. Concussions do not have to be handled separately in your personal injury case.
Can you sue for a concussion that was the result of a sporting event? The answer to that is maybe. You would need to speak with a lawyer about the circumstances that led to your injury to determine if it could be handled as a personal injury claim.
Signs and Symptoms of Concussion
There are some physical signs of a concussion, such as one eye being dilated when the other is not, or a large bump on the head. However, concussions may not be able to be diagnosed because there are no physical or non-physical signs at the time of the accident.
Brain injury can occur when the brain is shaken back and forth inside the skull during the impact of an accident. There does not have to be a bump on the head or bruising for the brain to have been injured. And the signs and symptoms can often present hours, days or weeks after the injury occurred.
A person may have a concussion if they experience the following symptoms after an accident:
- Dizziness – Either when standing or sitting
- Headaches
- Ringing in the Ears
- Nausea
- Blacking Out
- Loss of Memory
- Inability to Perform Common Tasks
- Unusual Fatigue
You may suffer from one or more of these symptoms, and you may even experience more unusual symptoms as well. The medical community is continually discovering new issues related to concussion injuries. When it comes to what you can expect for a concussion settlement value in Canada, it’s important to know that it varies greatly depending on the circumstances of the case.
Speak to a Lawyer About Your Accident
A concussion can diminish the quality of life for the injury victim. Brain injuries can be different in each person, and what may seem like a minor blow to the head could impact a person for the rest of their life. The long-term effects of concussions are only now being discovered.
If you or your loved one has been in an accident and have received a concussion, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries and losses. It is important to speak with a brain injury lawyer who understands brain injuries and concussions so that you receive the best representation for your case.