After an accident, there are many things you need to do on a very specific timeline. In particular, there are several forms that need to be completed quickly. Ideally, you will work with a personal injury lawyer who can consult with you and help you complete these forms to maximize your settlement. Still, it’s a good idea to have a strong understanding of which forms you’ll need to complete in advance.
As you submit these forms, always make sure you make a copy of the form and any materials you must submit along with it. Keep the copies in a safe place in case you need them again.
Below, you’ll learn more about the key accident benefits application forms you may need to complete.
Application for Accident Benefits (OCF-1)
This is the basic and primary form you will need to complete after your accident. You will receive a package with the Application for Accident Benefits form in the mail which you must complete within 30 days of receipt. If you cannot complete it within 30 days, you should still submit the completed form to your insurance company along with an explanation of why you could not complete it on time.
Employer’s Confirmation of Income (OCF-2)
If you are claiming Income Replacement Benefits, you will need to complete the Employer’s Confirmation of Income form. You are eligible for these benefits if you were employed for a minimum of 26 weeks during the year before your accident occurred. You can only apply for these benefits if you cannot return to work for more than one week after the date of the accident.
Disability Certificate (OCF-3)
If you have become disabled because of your accident, the Disability Certificate is a crucial form to complete as it shows that a medical professional has diagnosed you with a disability. You must complete it with your doctor and any other health care practitioners you have seen. These may include chiropractors, occupational therapists, optometrists, speech language pathologists, psychologists, dentists, nurse practitioners, physiotherapists and others.
Permission to Disclose Health Information (OCF-5)
The Permission to Disclose Health Information is a form that you should only complete if the adjuster in charge of your claim requests it. This form allows the insurance company to review your personal medical records. Before agreeing to complete this form, make sure you find out which records the adjuster is requesting and why they are being requested. Also make a note on the form that you are only agreeing to allow the insurance company access to records for visits that occurred on specific dates.
Pre-approved Framework Treatment Confirmation Form (OCF-23)
The Pre-approved Framework Treatment Confirmation Form should also only be completed if requested by your insurance company. It is only for certain categories of injuries, so you do not need to worry about this form unless you hear from your insurer.
Election of Income Replacement, Non-Earner, or Caregiver Benefit (OCF-10)
It’s important to understand that while you may be eligible for both the Income Replacement Benefit and the Non-Earner Benefit and the Caregiver Benefit, you are only allowed to apply for and receive one of these. A lawyer can help you better understand which benefit you should apply for. You will need to submit this form within 30 days of the date you received it.
Application for Expenses (OCF-6)
The Application for Expenses is for any medical or personal expenses you incurred because of your accident. They may include medication, massage, physiotherapy, and other insurance-approved treatments. In addition, you can include babysitting or attendant care, housekeeping, transportation, and even any clothing or other personal items that were destroyed during the accident. It is imperative that you keep all receipts for these expenses, as they must be submitted along with the form. Make sure babysitters or other non-professionals create detailed receipts for their services so you are able to submit them.
Activities of Normal Life (OCF-12)
If your insurance company thinks you are entitled to attendant care, housekeeping, or non-earner benefits, they will request that you fill out the Activities of Normal Life form. In this form, you will describe any activities you could do prior to your accident that you can no longer do.
Declaration of Post-Accident Income and Benefits (OCF-13)
The Declaration of Post-Accident Income and Benefits form should be completed if you can work after your accident, but cannot work at your regular job or regular hours. It should also be completed if you are able to get disability benefits for your work. Completing this form will assist your insurer in determining your Income Replacement Benefit.
Application for Accident Benefits
If your insurance company will not pay a specific benefit you’ve applied for but you think you are eligible for it, you should complete an Application to the Safety, Licensing Appeals and Standards Tribunals Ontario (SLASTO). This form will initiate a mediation and potential hearing process.
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the forms you may be required to complete for your personal injury case, you will be more prepared throughout the process. Because it can be difficult to keep track of many forms and deadlines, it may be a good idea to contact a personal injury lawyer for assistance.
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, consult with an accident benefits lawyer as soon as possible to better understand your rights and maximize your claim.