What Steps Do I Need to Take After a Motor Vehicle Accident?

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      Motor Vehicle Accidents

      What Steps Do I Need to Take After a Motor Vehicle Accident?

      What Steps Do I Need to Take After a Motor Vehicle Accident?

      As an accident lawyer, I recommend the 10 following steps to take after a motor vehicle accident to ensure that your rights are protected:
      1. Notify the police about the accident.
      2. Call 911 and attend a hospital immediately if you have sustained serious injuries.
      3. If your injuries do not appear to be serious, you should still seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your doctor and treating physicians may be required to complete certain forms documenting your injuries which will be submitted to your accident benefits insurer.
      4. Obtain the names, contact information and auto insurance information of the other party/parties involved in the accident.
      5. Take photographs of your vehicle, the other party’s vehicle, the accident scene and any injuries sustained by you or your passengers.
      6. Notify your insurance company about the motor vehicle accident.
      7. If the police do not attend the scene of the accident or complete a motor vehicle accident report, you must attend a Self-Reporting Collision Centre within 24 hours of the accident. [You are not required to report an accident to the police if the total damage to all the vehicles is under $1,000. You must also report all accidents where anyone has sustained an injury, even where there has been no damage to property.]
      8. Do not under any circumstances admit fault for the accident.
      9. Obtain the names and contact information of any persons who may have witnessed the accident.
      10. Keep a record or log of all expenses you have incurred as a result of the accident. This might include such things as prescription receipts, therapy and rehabilitation expenses, mileage expenses, as well as any invoices from persons/companies hired to assist with housekeeping chores, childcare, or personal (attendant) care tasks following a motor vehicle accident.

      Disclaimer: The content of this article is a general guideline made available for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used as legal advice for the reader's specific situation nor in general. By reading our blog and website content, the reader acknowledges the above and understands there is no lawyer-client relationship created between you and Himelfarb Proszanski through this content. To get specific legal advice, we encourage you to book a free consultation with one of our lawyers to clarify the legal aspects of your situation.