Why hire a personal injury lawyer as opposed to any other type of lawyer to handle your injury or loss from an accident? Just like many other professions, the experience and specialty areas of lawyers are extremely diverse. For instance, would you want your family doctor performing complex heart surgery on you?
Personal injury lawyers help those who are injured as a result of the negligence or wrongdoing of another person, entity or organization. In itself, personal injury law is also very broad and complex, with many specific types of sub-areas. Personal injury lawyers are required to be very knowledgeable in the areas of tort law and insurance law, and will have a strong understanding of how insurance companies operate. Personal injury lawyers are also commonly referred to as the “Plaintiff’s lawyer”, and most of the time, the lawyer on the other side of the dispute will be defending insurance companies. The main goal of personal injury lawyers is to help injured client’s receive appropriate compensation for their losses, which include loss of earnings from the inability to work, pain and suffering and future health care costs.
The personal injury lawyers at Himelfarb Proszanski are competent and effective negotiators and mediators, which is important since the vast majority of personal injury lawsuits settle before the matter proceeds to trial. We also have experienced trial lawyers should the matter proceed to that stage. Some of the specialized areas in which we help clients with personal injury claims include:
• Motor vehicle accidents;
• Slip and fall accidents;
• Work injury claims;
• Medical malpractice disputes;
• Long-term disability disputes;
• Accident Benefits disputes;
• Occupiers liability; and
• Disability claims
Thus, while it may be convenient to hire a lawyer who is a family friend, but does not primarily practice personal injury law, your chances of building a winning personal injury case is best put in the hands of a lawyer who specializes in that area. An experienced personal injury lawyer knows what evidence is necessary, and how to go about gathering it, in order to prove the merits of the case. Our personal injury lawyers have had vast success in receiving substantial compensation awards for our client’s in a broad range of cases.
The lawyer-client relationship is also a large factor in building a winning personal injury case. In a majority of personal injury cases the subject matter is very sensitive and the client is coping with considerable losses. Our personal injury lawyers understand how serious injuries impact clients and their families. The importance of an open and mutually beneficial relationship between the lawyer and the client cannot be stressed enough. Not only is it important for our lawyers to ensure that there is open and constant communication with the clients, involving them in all stages of the dispute, it is also important for client’s to be cooperative in providing any documents and instructions necessary for the lawyer to effectively proceed with the case.