4 Things Needed to Prove Negligence in a Concussion Case

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      Brain Injuries

      4 Things Needed to Prove Negligence in a Concussion Case

      4 Things Needed to Prove Negligence in a Concussion Case

      When you have a concussion case proving negligence is crucial for a successful case. Any case that involves personal injury must meet the following requirements to prove negligence in a concussion case.

      1. Prove Duty of Care

      To prove negligence in a concussion case, you must be able to show that there was a “Duty of Care” from the party responsible for the injury. To do this, you must be able to show that the person had a responsibility to act in a manner that would not cause harm.

      For instance, a person that is driving a car has a duty of care to follow traffic laws to prevent accidents. If that person was disobeying a law, such as speeding and caused an accident, the duty of care has been breached.

      2. Prove A Breach In The Duty of Care

      The second requirement to prove negligence in a concussion case is to show that an other person who owed a duty of care did not do his duty to the injured party and that an accident occurred causing the injury. This is the easiest of the four steps. All accidents, whether on the road, at work, or on private property, will have an accident report.

      3. Prove That The Accident Led To An Injury

      The third part of any claim for compensation is proving that the accident led to the injury that you received. Again, this is very easy to prove since the accident report will not only contain information that an accident occurred, it will also state if there were injuries.

      You will also have medical records from the event that will detail that you have been injured and when and where the injuries occurred. All of this information is relevant to a successful concussion injury claim.

      4. Prove That The Injury Caused You Financial Harm

      The final point that must be shown when making a claim for compensation is that you have suffered financial harm as a result of your injury. The financial harm may include:

      • Current and future medical care for the injury
      • Loss of wages and benefits
      • Future earning capacity
      • Pain and suffering
      • Related expenses for medical care

      There may also be additional forms of compensation available to you based on your specific case. Working with a lawyer will ensure that you receive all of the compensation that you are entitled to for your losses.

      Concussions Are Very Serious Injuries

      It is very important to remember that if you are involved in any type of accident that you are checked for a concussion. This is especially true if you were in a high-impact event such as a car accident.

      Too many people suffer from the consequences of an untreated concussion because they do not seek medical care after an accident and think they only have a headache from the stress of the situation. Concussions may not be easy to diagnose at first, but an experienced medical professional will know what to look for at the time of your exam.

      When left untreated, a concussion can lead to long-term medical conditions that may not be able to be corrected in the future. Never place your health at risk, seek a medical exam after any type of accident.

      A Final Note

      Although the four steps to proving negligence in a personal injury case seem very basic and easy to prove, the situations can become quite complicated. It is not unusual for the responsible party to try to pass some of the blame of the injury on to the injured party.

      It is also not unusual for the insurance company to deny benefits and medical care or dispute the seriousness of the concussion. This is why it is very important for you to have legal representation when making a claim.

      Brain injuries are very serious and often hard to diagnose. Since it is hard to see an injury to the brain physically, it is often overlooked as non-existent. Protect your rights as an injury victim and seek quality legal representation when making your claim.

      2 Comment(s)

      1. 4 Things Needed to Prove Negligence in a Concussion Case

        I had Chemical injury years ago and a back injury and I have asked for counselling and massage and physeal and I just can’t get anywhere what’s my options some people I find them very rude what are my options

        February 14, 2020 at 11:17 pm
        1. 4 Things Needed to Prove Negligence in a Concussion Case

          Hi Larry – sorry to hear about your injuries. There could be a number of options available to you, all depending on your specific situation. We invite you to call our office at 1-855-446-7765

          February 17, 2020 at 10:07 am

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