Personal injury lawyers MUST invest in your case. This means that your lawyer must not only wait to get paid for legal fees until the case settles, but that the lawyer MUST spend their own money to make sure that the case is impressively constructed. This ensures that your case is a WINNING case. Lawyers and law firms that do not invest in their clients’ cases do not deliver impressive settlements for their clients. Their clients are usually unhappy with the settlement that their lawyer is proposing.
A top notch personal injury lawyer will obtain all records as soon as the lawyer has been retained. The lawyer must then review those records in detail so that the choice of medical legal experts can be made. There may also be referrals for treatment or for investigative tools, such as an MRI. These are all paid for by your personal injury lawyer and you will not have to pay these expenses at all. They are all passed onto the insurance company and will be paid when the case is settled.
A leading personal injury lawyer will also retain other experts, such as engineers and accident reconstruction experts, when liability for an accident is in issue. They will retain human factors experts, traffic and road safety experts, accountants and actuaries, and even toxicologists where bars and taverns are involved. These experts are crucial in building a case that is formidable—a case that the insurance company will look at and not want to take to trial because they are afraid of it. A case that the insurance company will understand is too risky for them to try in a court of law.
This will ensure that you will be provided with an offer prior to trial that is meaningful. Lawyers that do not invest in cases do not receive meaningful offers from insurers. Ultimately, it may be necessary for your case to go to trial if your offer is simply too low. This is also where a leading personal injury lawyer will invest in your case, by ensuring that your experts are properly prepared. The lawyer will also spend time with you and prepare you for your trial properly. This investment in time and effort is necessary for a winning formula.
Make sure that your lawyer invests in your case. Contact us for a free consultation at any time, or simply fill out the form on the right.