Despite the health and environmental benefits of cycling, there are many dangers associated with this recreational activity. Approximately 7,500 Canadian cyclists are seriously injured every year with some of these injuries resulting in death. Cyclists should be aware that the majority of bicycle collisions and injuries occur during rush hour at the end of the workday. Surprisingly, only one third of deaths attributable to cycling accidents occur at night.
Cycling injuries may result from collisions with cars, pedestrians, other cyclists or even without collision with another party. In the recent action Kempf v. Nguyen, heard before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in 2013, a collision involving two cyclists resulted in serious injuries. The two cyclists were participating in Ride for Heart, a bicycle ride that occurs every year in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The Court held the Defendant, Nguyen, negligent and awarded damages to the Plaintiff. In 2015, a new trial was ordered by the Court of Appeal for Ontario, on the basis that the trial judge had erred in striking the jury notice.
Before heading out, cyclists should take care and exercise caution by following these safety tips:
1. Always wear a helmet
2. Never ride a bicycle while wearing headphones
3. Keep both hands on the handlebars
4. Keep both feet on the pedals
5. Ride in a single file
6. Follow the rules of the road
7. Ride on the right side of the road
8. Ride with your head up.
Additionally, it is very important for cyclists to learn the appropriate hand signals to indicate their intentions to turn and change lanes. Accidents can also be avoided by planning ahead and mapping out your route. Remember to follow these tips for a safe ride and to contact a personal injury lawyer if you have been involved in a cycling accident. For more information, visit our cycling accident section.